Joseph Mugaanyi, MD

Joseph Mugaanyi, MD

I am a hepatobiliary surgeon, programmer and entrepreneur; pursuing a Ph.D in Medicine. My research is the field of liver rejection and regeneration.
Co-Founder & General Manager @ Ningbo Catalyst

Work Experience

Ningbo Medical Center Li Huili Hospital

2020 MAY ~ Surgery Resident

Department of Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery

Liver Regeneration

2022 OCT ~ Insights into liver regeneration post partial hepatectomy and partial liver transplant
  • Liver Regeneration
  • Molecular Basis
  • Liver Transplant
  • Hepatectomy
Western BlotReverse PCR

Acute Liver Rejection

2021 MAY ~ 2022 MARCHRisk factors for acute rejection post liver transplant
  • Risk Factors
  • Liver Transplant
  • Chronic Liver Failure

Ningbo Catalyst Technology Co. Ltd

2021 DEC ~ Co-Founder & Manager

Software development, AI and Data Science company


2021 DEC ~ Head Ningbo Catalyst Techbology Co. Ltd corporate team


2022 DEC ~ Finaxt is a modular fintech product for enteprise clients
FinanceLoansProjectsHuman Resource


2021 NOV ~ Blue4ML is a data science and machine learning platform


2022 MAY ~ A graph based database system for small and large enterprises


Ningbo University

2022 SEPT ~ 2026 JUNEPh.D in Medicine

Ningbo University

2019 SEPT ~ 2022 JULYMaster of Science in Surgery

Ningbo University

2013 SEPT ~ 2022 JULYBachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery